Is anyone interested in submitting a panel for ICA 2023?

I would love to get together with some folks and submit a themed panel on memes for next year's ICA. We'd need to have individuals from different countries and institutions. Please comment here or reach out to me via email (rowenachodkowski{AT}gmail) if you're interested!

Link: ICA 2023 - Calls for Papers
Deadline: (not yet released)

All submissions to the theme category must focus on the concept of authenticity;
Work that debates, advances and critiques the concept of authenticity can be submitted as papers so as to allow the theme committee to create panels that discuss and/or showcase open science practices;
Panels for the theme should be cross-divisional (having broad appeal across all units of ICA) and adhere to the diversity considerations highlighted under the general guidelines below;
Innovative (and interactive) and educational formats are encouraged.

Submissions to theme sessions must follow all general guidelines put forward by ICA. Proposals for papers and panels on the conference theme are invited from all sectors of the field, and will be evaluated competitively by anonymous reviewers selected by the theme committee. Submissions deemed to fit only the interests of one division or interest group rather than the conference as a whole will be forwarded to that group for consideration. Papers or panels submitted to the theme must not be submitted simultaneously for consideration to any division or interest group. Panel proposals on the conference theme must include a 400-word rationale explaining how the panel fits the conference theme plus a separate 150-word summary of the rationale to appear in the conference program.

Call Description: The ICA 2023 conference theme of Reclaiming Authenticity in Communication invites communication scholars to examine how authenticity has become a variable, rather than a constant, in public discourses and popular culture across the globe, and with what relational, social, political, and cultural implications.

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I would be interested. I don't have an academic paper drafted, but I have presented some work at philosophy events dealing with authenticity and creativity in the workplace. The work ended up becoming a part of the conversation involved with Chile's constitutional reform.

Basically I have a full pp presentation + the Global Voices and CIPER published papers. These are available on my website (translated to English):

If anyone would like to maybe run a panel or work on co-authoring something in this spirit, I would be interested in chatting more.

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Would definitely be interested in hearing your ideas! Since it's ICA I think we're going to focus on a comm studies approach, please feel free to drop me an email if you've got anything/an abstract in mind!

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I would be interested in contributing as we get more details on deadlines!

Looks like the deadline just released--Nov 5 2022!

Also, right now we've got a few folks interested but we have mostly US nationals, looking for folks who are from outside the US for diversity of perspective and also to meet ICA guidelines!