try again!
Take a closer look at the vending machine
(Sorry about the slow updates, been hard at work on an upcoming interactive panel)
Take a closer look at the vending machine
AMIIBOS are neither tasty nor nutritious.
They're not nutritious.
GONDOLA takes another look at the vending machine. Lining the top row are various types of GUM, followed by SNACK BAGS on the second row, CANDY BARS on the third row, and assorted SOFT DRINKS below.
Gondola types in the entire finonacci sequence into keypad
Gondola types in the entire finonacci sequence into keypad
File too large, view GIF on Google Drive.
GONDOLA, you shouldn't do just whatever everyone tells you to do.
That was probably a TREMENDOUS WASTE OF TIME.
check window to see if sun is a red giant yet
check your surroundings
check your surroundings
Everything looks pretty much like how you left it...
Hey, where's CHUCK TESTPAGE?
just how far in the future are we?
just how far in the future are we?
Let's take a look at the GIF.
The timestamps stop increasing here, at 37125140400. You can plug that into your favorite timestamp converter; I like the vintage look of this one:
Welcome to the 32nd century.
insert STRIP OF PAPER into vending machine
insert STRIP OF PAPER into vending machine
The STRIP OF PAPER is worth 3234210 GONDOLLARS!
Inflation never stops eh?
press 32
press 32
(3, 2) selects a BAG OF FLAMING HOT CHEETOS for 21 GONDOLLARS, leaving us with 3234134 GONDOLLARS:
3234210 - 21 = 3234134
That math seems a bit off.
Eat cheetos.
use empty foil cheeto bag to re-connect the green cable inside gond gond revolution machine
Eat cheetos.
He takes a CHEETO and eats it.
GONDOLA gets through ten (10) bags of CHEETOS at 21 GONDOLLARS each, for a total of 420 GONDOLLARS.
3234210 - 420 = 3233240
3233240 GONDOLLARS remain.